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Project Three: Field Presentation (20 minutes/ 3-4 pages)
200 points total
- Group Conferences: 29 & 31 October 2012.
- Presentations: 5 & 7 November 2012.
- Final draft of presentation paper: 7 November 2012.
This project will ask students to work in groups according to specific major or interests and create a presentation that takes us through a) teaching one key concept of your chosen degree or b) presenting recent (in the past 5 years) critical issues of your field. Presentation will ALSO include a discussion of particular aspects of the DISCOURSE COMMUNITY of group members. This will help you get a better sense of what others in the class have been looking into and hopefully give you a new perspective on your own work. This project will consist of a group, multimedia presentation followed by a written report (3-4 pages). The presentation paper is a speech that consists of each student's individual speaking part in the presentation. The wiki is to be a presentation tool as well as an online resource.
Project Three Steps:
- Create Group Wiki for presentation. Due 26 October 2012.
- Group should create INDEPENDENT WIKI (not just a new page)
- Wiki should be linked to GROUP page on THIS wiki.
- Group Conferences. 29 & 31 October 2012. Conference assignments posted on GROUP pages.
- Presentations. 5 & 7 November 2012.
- Final draft of presentation paper. 7 November 2012.
- Presentation papers should be posted on individual roster pages AND group presentation pages.
- Final papers should be turned in ALONG WITH SPEECH NOTES (the final paper is not simply a copy of the speech).
- Final paper should include a summary of the entire presentation (to contextualize student's individual contribution). Both the topic AND the (various) discourse communities should be addressed in the summary.
- The summary should be followed with a brief reflection about the challenges that the group had to overcome in the presentation (or a reflection of different decisions the group made to make the presentation flow smoothly).
- Final paper should emphasize the THESIS of the STUDENT'S speech (and its connection to the overarching purpose of the presentation) and support that thesis in paragraph form. The paper may elaborate on points that the student could only mention briefly in the presentation (but it should follow the speech).
- Final paper should be written in standard research paper format (MLA/APA/AMA...). Thesis should be supported in all body paragraphs.
- Paper should utilize 3 -7 sources (at least 2 should be scholarly).
- Interview from P1 may count as a source for this project.
29 October 2012, 10:30 am conference (my office)
5 November - presentation
1. Alaouie, Diana
2. Hussain, Abbas
3. Islam, Yesmath
4. Suri, Varun
29 October 2012, 11:00am conference (my office)
5 November - presentation
1. Balar, Raj (pre-pharmacy)
2. Kakadia, Sagar (pre-pharmacy)
3. Elsaghir, Hussein (pre-pharmacy)
4. Bell, Ivan (radiation therapy)
31 October 2012, 10:30 am conference (my office)
7 November - presentation
1. Boguslaski, Kristen (nutirition/dietietics)
2. Hadarah, Abdu (nutrition)
3. Linck, Frederick (biology)
4. Patel, Imran (biology)
5. Ugharadar, Naeem (biology/physical therapy)
6. Wrice, Natalie (mortuary sciences)
7. Galerneau, Kevin (kinesiology)
Group 4b: Social Sciences
31 October 2012, 11:00am conference (my office)
7 November - presentation
1. Willo Cain
2. Jenna Cowan
3. Trevor Newsome
- As a presentation tool AND an online resource, this wiki should present information using TEXT, VISUALS, AND LINKS.
- This information should be FORMATTED for a presentation (and it should take into account ONLINE readers who may refer back to this resource).
- Text should be short and broken into small paragraphs.
- Text should include LINKS.
- Images should be used to catch the viewer's eye (and convey information).
Refer to examples and details posted here.
What's in a speech/presentation:
- AUDIO - a speech is a VERBAL/ORAL genre (rather than a written genre).
- The speech should begin with a clear statement of purpose: "We're going to look at ----."
- It needs to use clear and concise language and syntax.
- Speakers should occasionally use verbal "sign posting" to remind audience how each part fits into the whole.
- The audience for a speech is very different from the audience of a paper - listeners cannot "look back" to remind themselves where the argument has been and where it is going.
- VISUAL & TEMPORAL: a speech is a presentation - it has visual elements and it is limited by TIME.
- Visuals can help audience follow along with a the speech (highlight key points or important words - especially terms that are part of the speakers specialized lexis and potentially UNFAMILIAR for the audience).
- Visuals should be BRIEF (they should not contain an excessive text).
- Visuals may also contain EXAMPLES or charts and graphs that act as EVIDENCE to support a claim/topic.
- Screen shots of forms used by different professionals dealing with the same issue may be good visuals.
- The style and tone should be CONVERSATIONAL (but still professional).
- Professional organizations, like the Modern Language Association (MLA), have emphasized the need for professionals to shift from speeches and presentations that are stilted and read directly from printed papers to speeches that are conversational and easy for listeners to follow.
Informative speech:
- Project Three is an informative speech/presentation.
- The entire presentation should have an overarching purpose (i.e. "This presentation addresses a critical issue in TRANSATLANTIC LITERARY STUDIES: the ways in which women writers created literary communities."
- Each presenter's speech should have a single THESIS that relates to the overarching purpose AND drives the individual student's speech (i.e. "Scholarship on this topic ranges from -- to --- demonstrating ---." OR "Women writers created a transatlantic discourse community that utilized letters, novels, and oral communication.")
- Speech Resources:
Speech Structure:
- Introduction:
- The introduction should include the student's THESIS.
- Elements like "attention getters," "audience adaptation" and "credibility statements" should only be added if they can be worked in a brief and cohesive manner.
- A preview of main body points and a transition to the body of the speech are crucial.
- Body:
- The body of the speech should elaborate upon and SUPPORT the main points of the thesis.
- References to outside research or other support is essential, BUT it should not overwhelm the speech.
- The ARRANGEMENT of main points is also important. If the material in the speech is not arranged well, audience may forget or lose track of speaker's argument and thesis.
- Conclusion:
- The conclusion of the speech should:
- review/reinforce the thesis
- restate main points
- close effectively
EXAMPLES and further elaboration on these points can be found at
Student Example: P3 Final Paper Example.docx
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